Tuesday, November 10, 2015

We All Play A Role.

For the past ten years I have been honored to be President & CEO of Prevent Child Abuse America. That role is going to change however, because retirement is in my plans for early next year.

The last ten years have seen the incredible expansion of our Healthy Families America home visiting program, now serving 85,000 families each year. Our bullying prevention and child sexual abuse prevention technical assistance services have enhanced the 350 strategies that our 50 state chapters use to support the belief that every child has the right to a great childhood. Without your commitment to this mission, we could not do this.

This very difficult decision has allowed me to reflect not only how important this mission is but how great our supporters are. You have helped prevent the abuse and neglect of our nation's children and for that, I thank you. Your kind, encouraging notes gave me the inspiration to do my job better and for that, I am grateful. You have shown what is possible when people care and that has inspired me.

You have made me believe that prevention is really possible; you have made me believe that people want to make child abuse and neglect not only preventable, but unthinkable; you have made me believe that we all play an important role in each child's life who comes in contact with us.

Thank you for helping me believe that I could do my job; I have not felt alone, because I knew you were there. Please never underestimate the influence your support means to individuals like me.

But there is so much more to be done! Please continue to help our mission achieve the next round of successes to reduce, and ultimately eliminate, child abuse and neglect by making a gift today.

James M. Hmurovich
President & CEO

P.S. By giving a gift today, you will help ensure that all children have the great childhoods they deserve because our children are our future.

1 comment:

Cheryl Hodges said...

In 2010 I lost two grandchildren to abuse while my son, the Father was serving his country. Since then I have become an advocate trying to share Child Abuse Awareness in any way I can and am joined by many others who want to bring this Hidden Epidemic to the eyes of the Nation. Please let me help in any way possible to make this cause a strong movement as Breast Cancer Awareness and Animal Rights movements are. I'm committed to make this happen and have grandparent friends of others who have lost their grandchildren to abuse and we are ready to speak all over the country to share our stories and stop abuse. Please contact me. Cheryl Hodges, Ledger, MT