Throughout the year, supporters across the nation will gather in homes, restaurants, clubs, campuses and places of worship to have fun and take action for children.
Where? Nationwide.
Hosted by individuals for friends and family—our goal is to have 150 parties, engaging 3,000 attendees
Block parties, neighborhood suppers and community concerts
PROMOTIONS BY BUSINESS (bars, restaurants, retailers, et al)
Comprises coupon promotions, percentage of sales, and similar activities, that may extend throughout the year
Why? The House Party Weekend is an opportunity for thousands of people across the nation to share the good news that we CAN prevent the abuse and neglect of our nation’s children – whoever and wherever we are.
How Does It Work? It’s fun, and as simple as you want it to be:
• Hosts will plan and schedule a party on the designated weekend. Our online toolkit will help.
• The online toolkit comprises a sample invitation, party ideas, documentation of tax-exempt status, information about Prevent Child Abuse America for guests to take home, talking points for a brief presentation to your guests, and a video you can show your guests during your party.
• Hosts will set a fundraising goal, and invite their guests at a specific price point. For example, a host might plan an elegant dinner party for 12, and ask for donations of $250 per person, to reach a goal of $2500. With the same goal, another host might prefer an afternoon of college football on campus for 250 friends, with a donation of $10 per person.
• Hosts underwrite all costs associated with the party – Prevent Child Abuse America will credit party expenses as in-kind donations.
• Hosts will be able to set up their own website, send electronic invitations, track their guest list online and allow their guests to pay online by credit card. Guests will also be able to pay by check to Prevent Child Abuse America. Prevent Child Abuse America will provide acknowledgments and receipts for tax purposes to all guests, but hosts will be able to send electronic "thank yous" to guests immediately after registering.
• CELEBRATE – This is a year long opportunity with special emphasis around the weekend of October 23 - 25 where parties will happen throughout the weekend and throughout the country. Prevent Child Abuse America provides all of the tools to help you invite, track and thank your guests. All you have to do is throw the party!
• Hosts will be asked to upload and share party pictures to our Shutterfly account, and to submit all receipts and any donations collected on-site to Prevent Child Abuse America.
Host a party!
Register your party.
Keep updated via our Facebook Group, Twitter, our Blog, or our actofgood.org page.
Can't host a party? No problem. Have a virtual party where you invite your friends to tweet or send you a message on Facebook. You can still raise money and awareness without having a party, just make sure to register your "virtual" party at housepartyweekend.org.
Our goal is to have 400 parties taking place across the country between now and the weekend of October 23, the official House Party Weekend, and to raise $40,000 that will help build awareness, provide education to new and expectant parents, influence federal and local legislation around prevention strategies, and inspire hope to everyone involved in the effort to prevent the abuse and neglect of our nation's children.
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