Monday, December 13, 2010

A Facebook profile, cartoon character media round-up.

We continue to be thrilled by the dialogue started by campaign to change people's Facebook profile pictures to cartoon characters to raise awareness about the prevention of child abuse and neglect. This dialogue has occurred both among individuals, as well as, across the media, and we thought we would take a moment to share with you just some of the places in the media this conversation has happened.

(1) ABC Columbia did a brief segment on this campaign and spoke with staff from both Prevent Child Abuse America and Prevent Child Abuse South Carolina.

(2) Prevent Child Abuse America staff was quoted in AOL's Politics Daily column in a posting about the relationship between this campaign and the movie Tangled.

Prevent Child Abuse America staff was quoted in the Metal Monster Marketing blog in a posting about Slaktivism and social media.

(4) Prevent Child Abuse America's initial blog post on this subject - "
Some thoughts on Facebook profiles, cartoon characters, social movements and healthy child development" - was quoted in today's CityStateTimes.

Please let us know about places where you see this dialogue continuing and please continue to visit Prevent Child Abuse America to learn more about the role we all play in healthy child development and the prevention of child abuse and neglect.


Anonymous said...

I read somewhere, forgive me for forgetting where, that this was actually started by a pedophile. You can imagine not only my shock, but my shame because I did, indeed, forward to all my friends and 90% of them changed their profile pics for the weekend. Not sure at this point if/what is real and what isn't.

Prevent Child Abuse America said...

Our understanding is that the storyline that this campaign was started by pedophiles is now recognized as a hoax, though its not entirely clear where this effort started either.

Natasha said...

I fail to see how it would benefit a pedophile to start a campaign to raise awareness for child abuse by posting a cartoon character. Regardless of where it started, or who started it, if good things have come of it, does it really matter?

I found it interesting that such a big fuss was made of this. I have been sent lots of requests to change icon pictures for various causes and campaigns - I guess this one was more successful than most, as I think people enjoyed showing off cartoon characters from childhood. The media involvement, particularly in calling attention to organizations like Prevent Child Abuse America, probably played a larger role in raising awareness than the actual campaign itself. I, like many of my friends, was skeptical about the usefulness of changing ones icon to promote awareness. A few people I knew began posting links to child abuse prevention charities and shelters. Wouldn't it have been nice if everyone who changed their picture had donated a $1 to a relevant charity?

donate boat said...

Looks like the campaign was a successful one. This probably increase the awareness of people about child abuse.