Monday, September 15, 2014

A Culture of Respect, Early Child Development, and the Impact of Abuse.

In response to the Adrian Peterson story, Prevent Child Abuse America released a Statement titled "A Culture of Respect, Early Child Development, and the Impact of Abuse" - hereWe hope you will take a look and let us know if you have any questions. We have also pasted an excerpt below.

"America is home to many cultures that bring many practices to child rearing and knowing what is best for a child is typically best left to a parent. But parents must be aware of disciplinary options that are age appropriate, contribute to holding the child accountable, and promote a healthy parent-child relationship. This is one of the goals of home visitation services like Healthy Families America. These services build upon mutual respect, effective child rearing strategies, and recognize that parents need, and typically want, information to build that life-long relationship."

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