Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Some thoughts on NPR's "Rethinking Shaken Baby Syndrome" story.

Today NPR ran a story titled "Rethinking Shaken Baby Syndrome" which was reminiscent of February's New York Times Magazine article "Has a Flawed Diagnosis Put Innocent People Behind Bars?" Given this, we thought we would re-run our post from February 17th where we shared our thoughts on that article.


In response to the recent New York Times Magazine article regarding Shaken Baby Syndrome by Emily Bazelon, “Has a Flawed Diagnosis Put Innocent People Behind Bars?”, Prevent Child Abuse America would like to offer the following thoughts.

Prevent Child Abuse America advocates for promoting a shared societal responsibility for the healthy development of children and providing all families with the support and resources they need.

Any time there is evidence a child has been injured, the cause of the injury should be evaluated appropriately by a medical professional.

When evidence of shaken baby syndrome is present, we believe the following questions should be asked:

  • What role did stress or other emotional issues like frustration play in this situation and how do we as a community and as a nation ensure that adequate services, information and help are available to parents and/or caregivers when they are needed and as long as they are needed?
  • What opportunities exist to change the culture and norms of our nation to reflect the real value we all should place on children having loving, healthy and stable experiences?
By having a discussion about shaken baby syndrome or other child abuse or neglect topics, we are taking a positive step towards prioritizing prevention so that child abuse and neglect never occur in the first place.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My daughter was a victim of shaken baby syndrome when she was four months old, not as a result of her father and I, but from a babysitter. As a result both of our children were placed in child protective services care for almost 2 years. All of the evidence that could have been used against this person was lost because they swore I had Post Partum Depression. After numerous polygraph's, psychological testing, family counseling and child care classes they finally came to the conclussion I was not the one who had hurt my daughter (not to mention the fact I was at work when it happened). Not a day goes by I am not angry over the injustice, and the toll it has taken on my family. My daughter is 2 years old now and is a happy well adjusted toddler, but her older sister has quite a lot of issues over this trauma. I don't know what could be done to help prevent this from happening to another family but something does.