Thursday, December 9, 2010

We Can't Do It Without You.

For over 38 years, Prevent Child Abuse America has been working to ensure the healthy development of children nationwide. It’s a pretty simple formula: when we promote healthy child development practices, we help prevent child abuse and neglect before it ever occurs.

We support innovative and effective prevention services, such as our signature program, Healthy Families America, which utilizes strategies proven successful at preventing child abuse and neglect.

We inform public policy decisions that impact children, their families and the communities in which they live. As one example, the recent health care reform bill included funding for early childhood home visiting.

We partner with a network of state chapters from coast to coast that engage people and communities locally to support children and families in communities just like yours.

We are building a national movement through our signature campaign, Pinwheels for Prevention®, activating citizens like you to embrace norms and behaviors that engage, nurture and enhance the lives of children and parents everywhere. We believe that you believe in our work and that you want to support it.

We hope you will continue to learn more about the work of Prevent Child Abuse America and continue to be an advocate for prevention, children and their families by visiting our website, as well as, Healthy Families America.

Today, we ask that you also support us financially so that we can continue being good stewards for the children of this country and the generations to come. We can’t do it without you.


JHmurovich signature

James M. Hmurovich, President & CEO

Participate. Educate. Advocate. Donate.


madeline millán said...

I don't have money, or how those like me who don't have money can help? In other words, service, training, whatever to feel we can contribute.

Thank you,


Anonymous said...

It seems to me that this was a subject when I was a child that just wasn't talked about, or brought out into the light, because at that time it wasn't the proper thing to do. Now adays, though, people are be-ginning to understand the signs of abuse, and it is being reported on a much higher scale than before. Now that we know that is true we all need to use whatever resources necessary to change abuse those who have this terrible habit, and do not change, will be punished and brought out of the very situations that tempt them to raise a hand to another..the innocent, the girlfriend, the children, the ones who have done nothing to deserve another's rage. We need to pool our monies, and stand together against such inconchinable acts, and continue to support whatever group we choose in this endeavor. Laws need to be changed...Hearts need to be changed. Slowly we will see, one case at a time that we are changing our perspective on the acceptance of this behavior.
Let's do all we can. This is, besides making sure every child, woman and man gets a meal everyday, the most important thing we can do on a daily basis to protect those who cannot protect themselves. Give what you can...if not money, your time to do what you can today to wipe abuse off the face of the earth on step at a time.

Unknown said...

Exactly how are the donations utilized? Do they help to pay for prosecutors to help convict the scum that are doing the abusing? If so, what other ways is my donation being used. I think that members should be shown an account of exactly where our money is being spent oon your news letter.

Anonymous said...

not all people who beleive in this can afford to give donation's does not mean they do not care

Kris Wiggins said...

I work non-profit to help children know what it is like to have a normal, happy, healthy life. Actually, I am not even employed but I am a mother & I volunteer at my child's head start class. I have seen the one's that enjoy being in class but are scared to go home. I have seen the parents screaming at their child in the morning because they are scared & crying, but they show no love or comfort their child because they want to go back home to go to sleep.
Things like that is why I stay an extra hour a day to talk & laugh & make them happy. I feel the need to protect these children even though they are not mine. Give them praise, let them enjoy being a child. This is my way of donating to your cause.
Thank You

Pat said...

As a child i know all about abuse and then as a teenager after leaving home to get away from the sexual abuse i found a even worst man who not only beat me daily among other things i was forced to do things that now haunt me daily.Even though both my abusers are dead i suffer daily from night terrors that are so real that it is reliving what happen to me daily and it has affected my life 30 yrs later.Lucky for me i can afford to get professinal help to work thru this.I also AM Blessed to be able to support The Child Abuse Council where I live wiyh not just money but voluntering my time at the abused women shelter and office.So for thoose who can not afford monetary donations you can donate your time at your local shelter. said...

I am 18 years old college student..and i don't have a job yet...but volunteer to help people who are in need and from the bottom of my heart i support your program that your all doing...

Thank You