We want to thank you, because the ongoing response to not only the Facebook cartoon character meme to raise awareness, but our commentary on its potential to change the dialogue around how we as a country invest in child development, community and the economy; expand the reach of innovative prevention programming and build a movement to prevent child abuse and neglect has been tremendous. There has been increased traffic to our blog, Facebook page and website; endless chatter across the internet and the growing sense that something different may be possible when it comes to creating equal opportunities for children's growth and development. So, we want to thank you for being part of this conversation and we want to encourage you to continue educating yourself about this issue and what you can do to prevent child abuse and neglect in your neighborhoods, communities and states. We also hope you will consider making a donation to Prevent Child Abuse America if you haven't already done so, so that we can continue making an impact on children's lives across the country. And we want to remind you that we are all advocates for this cause and we can all take steps to activate ourselves, our family, friends and neighbors around this issue, here, now, going forward and together.
little children,middle children,big children,no-1 deserves this,not 2 know what normal kind of love is,not 2 know that fear,but do,we must do all we can,if we have the smallest doubt that something is wrong,even if we r wrong,better 2 speak out @save 1 child than let them b abused in any way.
as it is i already donate my time to help locate and deal with emergencies of all sorts from sexual offenders to lost puppies including moral support for victims ,not to forget PTSD victims and their families .Sorry but till i can get simple things like food for more than 1 day out of 5 for myself ,or choice between food or heat and net access, i cannot donate more !
I challenge everyone to do thair part, get involved. Save the children, its happening in every neighborhood.Education is the key. Learn and teach each other.Thare are so many familys that need some one to notice. Happy holidays everyone
No family is safe from abuse or neglect. And abuse comes in more forms than physical!! I just had to do one of the hardest things in my life and turn one of my own children into the police for abuse. But, as hard as it was to see my own grown child in handcuffs, it was harder seeing my small grandchild cursed at, yelled to, called names, subjected to all sorts of unhealthy things and finally the hint of physical abuse came out.
Chid abuse and neglect is everyones business!! Get involved, get your neighbors involved, your sisters and brothers!! Children can't help themselves, but if we see or know a child in these situations, we have the power to help them. How can we live with ourselves if we don't get involved then we hear of something tragic happening to that child? PLEASE,PLEASE, use the power you have to help, it's called a phone and fingers to dial with!! You can even do this anonymously!!
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