Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Journal of Pediatrics. Over-the-counter or prescription drugs. Child abuse. And Prevent Child Abuse America.

An upcoming report in The Journal of Pediatrics discusses the relationship between the use of over-the counter or prescription drugs and child abuse and Prevent Child Abuse America President & CEO, James M. Hmurovich, has been quoted widely about the report in a variety of forums including, and the NY Daily News.

Child abuse caused by poisoning is a rare but recognized harm, said Jim Hmurovich, president and chief executive of Prevent Child Abuse America, an advocacy agency. While he had yet to review the new study, Hmurovich said it points to the need for better child abuse prevention efforts.

“I don’t think it’s right at any time to give unprescribed medicine to a child,” he said. “Did the parent do it out of frustration? Did they do it at their wits’ end? If that’s the case, we need to be even more aggressive in terms of parent education.”

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